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‘Coffee reflects human nature’

Park Young-soon, left, president of the Coffee Critics Association (CCA), holds handfuls of coffee beans with coffee farmer Juan Pablo Velez in Colombia in 2020. Courtesy of Park Young-soon

Korea is one of the biggest consumers of coffee in the world, with average coffee consumption reaching 405 cups per adult in 2023, according to market research firm Euromonitor. This is more than twice the global average of 152 cups.

For many Koreans, coffee is not just a beverage — it is a feeling, experience and lifestyle. Moreover, for Park Young-soon, it is an area of academic interest, which allows him to delve deeper into human nature. That is why Park, the president of the Coffee Critics Association (CCA), has devoted himself to studying coffee from a humanities perspective, becoming a trailblazer in this field.

“Coffee is a mirror reflecting human beings that helps you explore their essence and emotions,” the 57-year-old said during an interview with The Korea Times at the CCA’s headquarters in Geumcheon District, southwestern Seoul, April 9.

“When you drink coffee, you first savor it and then feel how it affects your body and mind,” he explained. “You can perceive what is happening inside you and start a journey of self-discovery before using that knowledge to understand other people and sympathize with them. This is the gist of ‘coffee humanities.'”

Coffee first piqued Park’s interest in 2002 when he was working as a journalist for the Korean daily newspaper, the Segye Times. For several years, he covered different beverages such as wine, whiskey and tea, but eventually found himself captivated by coffee, which he now calls “the drink of his life.”

“As I drank coffee, I naturally became curious about its roots and history,” Park recalled. “So I began to dig deep into it, learning about various historic events related to coffee while contemplating its meaning and impacts. My love for coffee grew exponentially as I gained an understanding of its journey from bean to cup.”

In 2011, he established the CCA to share his love for humanity through coffee and build a healthy coffee culture by providing accurate information and quality education.

“A healthy coffee culture should first consider the health of consumers,” Park stressed. “Since last year, there has been a notable shift in trends, with more people prioritizing coffee’s health benefits over taste. Many dissertations now discuss how 스포츠토토존 much healthy ingredients can be added to a cup of coffee and how people can make cleaner coffee with fewer contaminants.”


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